Stuart Barlow

Stuart Barlow
Stuart is a solicitor and has over 40 years’ experience in Family Law and Court litigation. He conducts most of his own advocacy and has dealt with many cases involving litigants in person and is a court appointed Qualified Legal Representative (QLR). He is a member of the Law Society Children Panel. Until January 2016 he was Chief Assessor of the Law Society Family Law Panel and an Adjudicator for the Legal Aid Agency. Stuart is also a former external examiner of the Nottingham Law School. He is the author of ‘Rights of Grandparents in Children Proceedings,’ 'A Practical Guide to Working with Litigants in Person and McKenzie Friends in Family Cases,’ ‘A Practical Guide to Advocacy in Family Proceedings’ and ‘Running a Family Law File – A Handbook for Trainees and Paralegals.’

Stuart's upcoming events

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Reporting in the Family Courts - An Update on the Pilot Scheme - Learn Live

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Finding of Fact Hearings in Private Children Cases - Examining the Current Law & Procedure - Learn Live

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Grandparents - Their Rights & Remedies in Family Breakup - Learn Live

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Gain Confidence as a Family Advocate - Live Introduction with Stuart Barlow - Learn Live

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Rights for Grandparents in Children Proceedings - Law & Procedure Update - Webinar

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